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October 9th, 2023

Relaunching in Budapest

It is with great joy that we announce our program in Budapest is relaunching after a 2-year hiatus due to the death of their founder. Originally started in 2015, the program in Budapest, Hungary provided critical recovery services to young Hungarian and Roma girls who were sold and trafficked within the country and overseas. They developed a very successful program and were instrumental in educating a lot of different people and sectors in their country on the realities of the sex trade.

In 2021 their beloved founder, who had given her whole life to this mission, tragically passed away from cancer. The team was not prepared or equipped to take over the program and had to shut their doors. But they were committed to re-opening, as the women continued to knock on their door and ask for help. Over two years they rebuilt their team and underwent intensive training with the SA Foundation to take on the key leadership roles. They are now ready to open their doors! A flat has been rented, a house mom has been found, and new program participants are ready to enter.

Praise to God that this territory has not been lost ☺

September 18th, 2023

Creating Safe Harbours – Fall Gala 2023

Join us for an Unforgettable Dinner Cruise

Celebrating the Safe Harbours created through SA Global Network

Our Fall Gala is always full of inspiring stories, great people, and fantastic food. This year, we are also adding breathtaking views of the city skyline and the surrounding mountain ranges as we take to the water on a Harbour Cruise! If you are keen for a delicious meal, a stunning backdrop, and the opportunity to participate in the stories of Her Freedom, purchase your tickets today to come to our 10th Anniversary Fall Gala - Creating Safe Harbours!

When: Friday November 17th 2023

Time: Boarding time from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Location: Bayshore West Marina, 450 Denman Street, Vancouver, BC

We desire to raise $100,000 through this elegant fundraising evening together, which will

Help sustain our current international programs and open up new doors of freedom in the Philippines.
Help us to develop other established program locations into training centres for their regions, such as Nepal and Greece.
Both of these areas of development and growth will allow the replicating ability and sustainability of the SA Program to be enhanced, and more women globally will be able to find refuge and healing from sex trafficking. Ultimately, we want to focus on training leaders and programs to be ready to respond to the urgent needs within their nations.

We can’t wait to see you and share this experience of creating ‘Safe Harbours’ together.

Early Bird - $140.00 (until October 17th)

Regular Ticket - $150.00

We can't wait to see you there!

September 5th, 2023

A little bit about launching a new program

A lot goes into launching a new program site! Before the first house is even rented, we have to build a team and prepare them for the work ahead.

The SA Foundation’s development process can take anywhere from 1-2 years before the women are welcomed into the program because well-trained and prepared leaders are critical to the program’s success. Few leaders have previous training or experience to equip them for this work, but they have a call from God and a passion to see women set free!

Our job at the foundation is spend time in mentoring and training them to do the work ahead. The Philippines team has been formed, with three key leaders, support staff and a house mom who is eagerly awaiting being able to build a home with the women! They have been participating in our spiritual development program, called the Formation of Servants, and are busy preparing for their onsite leadership assessment this coming February.

Stay tuned for regular updates!

August 22nd, 2023

August News

The Philippines welcomes tourists from all over the world to its magnificent landscapes and beaches. Visitors often remark on the warm welcome they receive from locals and marvel at the beauty of this country. Its dark underside is where over 100,000 young children and women are fed into the sex trade, either in the Philippines or trafficked to countries such as China, Japan, the Middle East, North America and Europe. There are few opportunities to escape, and fewer places to go for healing.

The SA development team is working closely with a dedicated team in Northern Luzon to plant the SA program model. Our timeline includes training, equipping and leadership assessment in 2023 and opening the first home, recovery program and offices in Fall of 2024. We are thrilled to have a second site in South Asia as the issue of exploitation is so widespread in this region.

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Women and girls escaping human trafficking and sexual exploitation are finding healing and transformation with your help and active support. Be inspired. Be inspired.

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