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August 19th, 2022

Genesis Vancouver Program Update

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Here is an update regarding our Genesis Vancouver Program. We are currently focusing on growing and expanding our job training program to women who have graduated from our Genesis Vancouver Program. Our Global Wonders division has many training opportunities, and we are excited this year to hire one of our graduates full-time through a partnership with Intersection Fair Trade! We want to give more skill development opportunities and to continue our ‘Follow Care’ with the women in the Vancouver area.

Over the 12 years that the Genesis Vancouver Program has been operating locally with the 1st stage house, many women have received life-changing services, made a clean break from their old lives, and rebuilt new ones for themselves and their children. Throughout its development, it maintained SA's standards and kept to a 70% or better success rate! Praise be to God!

The Genesis Vancouver Program never operated separately from the SA Foundation once the Foundation's leadership took it over from a local team who had founded it back in early 2007. When they left the organization, our team took it under their wings and operated it for these 12 years, with the same leaders managing international development simultaneously. Today, we have come to a crossroads and have needed to evaluate our resources and ability (human and otherwise) to manage a frontline program alongside our burgeoning international development. As a result, we have had to take the tough decision of putting the program on a 'hiatus' so we can evaluate and reshape the program and search for a local team of leaders who could take this ministry on and operate it with full support and training from the SA Foundation. We are committed to taking the next year to complete a full assessment of the needs of this program and to explore if God has a special team of people He calls to do the work. We value your prayers in finding such a team as we very much believe that the Genesis Vancouver Program provides vital services to young women in the lower mainland.

During this search for new leadership, we are focusing on continuing our relationship and providing training opportunities to the many women we served during those years as much as possible.

The SA Foundation's international programs are growing at a very rapid rate, with leadership assessments and new program openings happening in Italy, a reboot coming for the Budapest program, community development occurring in the Philippines and capacity building occurring with our teams in Germany, Greece and Nepal! A lot is happening, and we are so blessed to see so many women being rescued from situations of sexual trafficking around the world! We hope you will continue to support the SA vision and mission and pray with us for the relaunch of the local program under new leadership.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know, as we value your input greatly. Please contact us using the following emails: or

The SA Foundation Leadership Team

June 30th, 2022

Challenge #ForFreedomSake

We want to use our freedom to help set others free. Will you join us in taking action this summer to fundraise for freedom? Set yourself a challenge, simply set up your own fundraising page, and then invite others to sponsor you as you go! Click the link to find out more on our event page!

May 30th, 2022

Hope Is Blooming Thanks To You!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! You smashed the $25,000 goal during our For Hope to Bloom fundraiser, raising an epic $30,710 to provide skill development classes, empowering the women we serve for more!

April 21st, 2022

‘For Hope to Bloom’ she needs Champions!

What does freedom look like? It looks like an individual being able to dream, explore and create in safety. It looks like access to education and opportunities previously denied. It looks like friendships, laughter and love. Many of the women we serve have never got to pursue a hope or a dream. They have been trapped in a life of exploitation, often from a very young age. They need us to help show them that they were made for MORE!

Through our Skill Development and Education Programs, each woman gets to learn and practice new skills to help her realize her full potential. These classes are fun and practical, and help empower her to see and experience more. These 'Bloom Boxes' share with you a piece of her journey, with each item (except the chocolate) being handmade by these courageous survivors. For just $50 (plus taxes) you can buy this gift for a loved one. With Mother's Day coming up on May 8th, what a perfect gift you can share with a mom, mentor, or friend. This gift will bless the woman receiving it and the women who made it.

Help us continue to provide these essential training classes for the women by purchasing a box or donating today!
Click the link to find out more and get your box.

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Women and girls escaping human trafficking and sexual exploitation are finding healing and transformation with your help and active support. Be inspired. Be inspired.

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